The purpose

Welcome to a transparent and safe area to learn about the end of life.

Death is the only inevitable thing that we are most certain will occur in our lifetime. You don't have to be shy to talk about it, or be viewed as morbid for bringing it up. The topic surrounding death should be open and comfortable. The more we allow ourselves to become familiar with the topic, the less stigma it will have and the more comfortable you will feel regarding death.

Becoming more comfortable about the idea and concept of death can allow you to make those more personalized decisions and memorable arrangements for your loved ones and/or yourself.

There are so many different ways to look at death, and there are so many more way to be creative when it comes to remember the life of your loved one.

The more we can understand living and dying are the same, the quicker we can live a life worth living.

I am not here to try to tell you that this is easy, I am here to bring awareness to death so you can possibly have a different outlook when it occurs.

Creating a healthy healing journey that comes with the never ending grief starts here.

Sign up for Wealldietalkaboutit Newsletter

WealldieTalkaboutit is a website offering grief support, information on funeral options, a blog, and, most importantly, a community of curious individuals who aim to be one step ahead when the inevitable occurs.

Wealldietalkaboutit newsletter is a once a month update that includes inspiring content